Even if your own “hunting” activity is limited to finding the best bench at the park or buried treasure at the flea market, Welsh Springer Spaniels, born to run and famous for their prowess at flushing out game for which they were once bred, are all about riding shotgun on your adventures. Smart, agile, loyal, loving and totally gorgeous in that sporty countryside sort of way, Welshies, as they are known, will be your go everywhere, do anything furry pal. If you are looking for a medium-sized, sweet-tempered dog with exceptional athletic ability who really just wants you more than anything, and you can provide the kind of active lifestyle that their high-energy demands (they’re called “Springer” for a reason), they’re the total package.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Appearance
Gorgeous and graceful, the Welsh Springer Spaniel will catch your eye before capturing your heart. Their soft red and white coat covers a compact, agile body, and their ears are delightfully floppy and lightly feathered. They often have flecks on their muzzles, which look a lot like freckles.

Welsh Springer Spaniel ears are floppy, medium-sized and lightly feathered.
Welsh Springer Spaniel eyes are medium to dark brown and oval in shape with a soft expression.
Welsh Springer noses are typically black or brown.
Coat Length:
Their coat is soft and straight and medium length with moderate feathering on the hind legs, chest and underside.
Coat Color:
Welsh Springer Spaniels have a red and white coat. Some of the white areas may be flecked with red ticking.
The AKC breed standard allows for the tail to be docked or undocked. Docking involves cutting a portion of the dog’s tail off when they are puppies. Veterinary groups along with many U.S. states and countries have banned this procedure due to medical and behavioral reasons. If you are interested in this procedure, schedule a consultation with your veterinarian.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Temperament
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a beautiful, athletic dog who’s easy to train and even easier to love. They’re the perfect blend of grit and grace, and like the girl who runs a mile without breaking a sweat, Welsh Springers will tear around the park and look gorgeous while doing it.They’ve got an irresistibly sweet temperament and a sharp mind, too. They’d make a wonderful addition to any family and will love your kids almost as much as you do. But don’t expect them to lavish kisses all over your visiting friends and relatives—Welsh Springer Spaniels tend to be reserved when meeting strangers, and it may take a little time for them to warm up to new people.Thankfully, that reserved nature doesn’t translate into unwanted behavior; though they may be a bit aloof around newcomers, they’re rarely aggressive and not prone to biting. They can even live happily with cats and other dogs in the household, if given the proper training and socialization.Welsh Springers have a pretty high energy level and need daily exercise to burn off the wiggles. But rest assured, a well-exercised Welsh Springer is a happy Welsh Springer, and at the end of the day, they’ll be happy to curl up and cuddle with you.