
tibetan mastiff


The majestic and independent Tibetan Mastiff makes a devoted family pet. Ranking among the largest dog breeds, they thrive with a job to do and plenty of room to roam.


Brainy, Devoted, Independent


Male: 90-150 pounds

Female: 70-120 pounds


Male: 26-28 inches

Female: 24-26 inches

Life Expectancy

10 to 12 years

Maintenance Level

Low maintenanceHigh maintenance


More reservedSocial butterfly

Coat Color

Black, Brown, Blue, Gray, Gold

If you love big fluffy dog breeds who just want a job to do, a place to guard and someone to care for, the Tibetan Mastiff, one of the world’s largest breeds of dogs weighing in at up to 150 pounds for a male dog and 120 pounds for a female, might be right for you. With their floofy 80s-rock-band hair, soulful eyes, and independent introvert nature, Tibetan Mastiffs tend to be wary of strangers but are loving and loyal to their people. Just be sure you can give you give them room to roam and work to perform and you will have a loving companion to share your world.

Tibetan Mastiff Characteristics

Remember: Dogs are individuals and not all dogs, even those of the same breed, will exhibit all the same qualities.

Social Life

Exercise Needs

Couch PotatoStar Athlete

Health Issues

Few Known Health IssuesMany Known Health Issues

Grooming Needs

Minimal GroomingExtensive Grooming

Training Needs

Requires Minimal TrainingRequires a Lot of Training

Shedding Level

Sheds a LittleSheds a Lot

Tibetan Mastiff Appearance

At first glance, Tibetan Mastiffs may seem like intimidating giants, but rest assured, these are gentle giants. Their enormous size and copious amounts of fluff give them the appearance of something between an actual lion and a cuddly teddy bear. The thick mane of hair on their muscular necks and shoulders contributes to their lionish look. And their expressive eyes convey intelligence and alertness, making them look like they’re ready to take on a yeti. (They totally would, by the way.)



Tibetan Mastiff ears are medium-sized, V-shaped and sit high on the skull. They droop forward when relaxed and stand at attention when the dog is alert.


They have watchful brown eyes, rimmed in black or dark gray and are almond-shaped, deep-set and slightly slanted.


The nose is broad with open nostrils, and can be black, dark gray or dark brown, depending on the coloring of the coat.

Coat Length:

Tibetan Mastiffs are double coated with a thick top coat of long, coarse and straight hair. The soft, heavy undercoat is thicker in cold weather and thins out in warmer seasons. The hair is thicker on the neck and shoulders, especially on males, giving them a majestic mane. The coat may vary slightly depending on the climate, but a short-haired Tibetan Mastiff is neither typical nor fitting the breed standard.

Coat Color:

Tibetan Mastiff colors include black, brown and blue or gray. An all-red Tibetan Mastiff is extremely rare and not considered standard. Black Tibetan Mastiffs are more usual. Those of any color may be solid or have markings that include tan, mahogany, gold, red-gold or white.


The Tibetan Mastiff tail is covered with a thick plume of feathered hair. It's usually carried high and curves over the hindquarters.

Tibetan Mastiff Temperament

Tibetan Mastiffs are independent introverts who tend to be wary of strangers but are loving and loyal to their people. Though personality can vary from one dog to the next, these dogs tend to be headstrong and often think they know what’s best and view themselves more as equal partners than pets.Like all dogs, Tibetan Mastiffs require proper socialization from the time they’re a puppy. But with plenty of exposure to different people, pets and situations throughout their lives, they’ll be more accepting, though perhaps still aloof, reserving their affection for loved ones.Pet parents need to be diligent about working with their pup to prevent biting tendencies. They have a bite force of 500 pounds, stronger than that of an American Pit Bull Terrier or German Shepherd, so even a playful bite could do major damage.Tibetan Mastiff puppies can be taught to get along well with children and other pets when raised with them, but as adults, they may be less accepting of new dogs or other people’s children. And with their sheer size and strength it’s a good idea to supervise even well-socialized Tibetans around young children, cats or small dogs. Remember to teach all children how to interact gently and respectfully with dogs.Their bossy natures make them a bad fit for obedience competitions, and they’re not built for agility or speed. But give these dogs some sheep, goats or cattle to guard, and watch them excel. They were bred to guard livestock, after all, and they’re at their best and happiest when they’re allowed to be watchful over their domain.

How to Care for a Tibetan Mastiff


Considering how much hair the Tibetan Mastiff dog has, their grooming needs are surprisingly low compared to other dog breeds. Every spring, they blow their undercoats (where they shed chunks of hair, instead of individual strands) and will need to be worked over with an undercoat rake. The rest of the year, weekly brushing with a pin brush or slicker brush is enough to keep their moderate shedding under control and keep their fur from matting. Their coats are good at repelling dirt, and they don’t tend to have that “dog smell,” so they don’t need to be bathed more than once a month. Weekly brushing is also a good time to check the ears for debris or signs of infection like redness, swelling or a strong odor. Call your vet if you notice any of these signs, and if they advise you to clean your dog’s ears, follow our guide. Otherwise, wipe the inside and outside of the ears with a damp cloth, taking care to avoid the ear canal. Nails will need to be trimmed once or twice a month. You’ll know it’s time for a trim when you hear them tapping on hard surfaces. It’s generally recommended to brush your Tibetan Mastiff’s teeth daily. You’ll want to start brushing your Tibetan Mastiff’s teeth early on when they are a puppy, so you can help them get used to it faster. Your vet can give you pointers, and you can get a primer here. Regular brushing, combined with daily dental treats, can help prevent tooth and gum disease, which can negatively impact your pup’s overall health. It’s also important to see your vet once a year for a professional teeth cleaning. Close


The Tibetan Mastiff dog is one smart cookie, but they are far from eager to please. These dogs have their own ideas, and if they don’t agree with you, they’ll follow their own instincts. Training them to do what you want means you’ll have to earn their trust and respect—and that comes through hard work. They need an experienced and strong leader who can be patient, firm and consistent in rewarding desirable behavior with high-value treats or toys. They don’t always respond well to treats, so you may need to experiment to find a reward that will get them excited enough to pay attention to you. As you train, remember that you should never punish undesirable behavior; that does more to reinforce it than curb it. You should begin socializing your Tibetan Mastiff puppy from the time you bring them home, exposing them to as many new people, children, animals and situations as possible. This helps keep them from becoming fearful or reactive. Socialization will need to continue throughout your Tibetan’s entire life to keep them from becoming too introverted or set in their ways. Close


The Tibetan Mastiff typically does well on a high-quality commercial dog food. Be sure to factor in your dog’s age and choose a formula that fits their stage in life, whether puppy, adult or senior. Look on the packaging for a statement that says the food meets nutritional standards set forth by the Association of American Feed Control Officials to make sure you’re purchasing a complete and balanced product. There is no standard feeding chart, but your vet can help you determine the best food and diet, including serving size and feeding schedule, based on your dog’s age, weight and activity level. Be sure to feed them a large-breed dog or puppy food, which is formulated to support the bones and joints of dogs their size. Supplements or treats containing glucosamine and chondroitin can also help protect their joint health as they age. Just be sure to factor treats into their overall diet to prevent overfeeding. This breed eats a surprisingly small amount for such a large dog, and they only eat when they’re actually hungry. Even so, making sure they don’t overdo the calories will keep them from putting on extra pounds that can hurt their joints. But again, consult your veterinarian, as they are in the best position to help you pick the right food for your dog based on their individual needs. Close


Tibetans have a moderate energy level and need 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise. Ideally, they’ll get this by doing their jobs and patrolling their territory a couple of times a day, in the morning and the late afternoon or early evening when they’re most active. If you don’t have a lot of land for them to roam, they’ll need to be walked during these hours and allowed to rest in the middle of the day, especially during the warmer months. And you’ll need to switch up their walking route regularly to keep them from becoming territorial. These strong-headed pups won’t always come when you call and can’t be relied on to get along well with other dogs, so taking them to a dog park or allowing them to go off-leash simply aren’t options. And while some are more playful than others, generally, they won’t respond well to structured play like a game of fetch. Close


The ideal home for this breed is a farm or ranch with lots of acreage to roam and livestock to watch over. If you don’t have that, then a large fenced yard is a must. They do great in colder climates and higher altitudes and may be less active in warmer climates, especially during the hottest parts of the day. They need an experienced pet parent who has both the time and energy for daily obedience training and socialization, which is necessary throughout the Tibetan Mastiff’s lifespan to avoid problematic behaviors like guarding resources and their territory. With lots of socialization, Tibetan Mastiffs can be taught to get along well with kids and other pets, especially if they’re raised with them. But due to their sheer size and strength, they should always be supervised when playing with small children or other dogs. (Children who yell and scream may startle this breed and trigger a reaction.) And they’re not likely to be great playmates with toy dog breeds or cats. This isn’t a dog you can just take to the park or expect to do well with having a lot of people over. A properly socialized Tibetan Mastiff will tolerate the presence of people and dogs whom they don’t know well, but they tend to be antisocial and aloof toward non-family members. These dogs are always alert for danger, which makes them wary of strangers. That said, they don’t usually react in a big way unless they detect a genuine threat. Close

Tibetan Mastiff Health

Tibetan Mastiffs have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years, and they don’t have a lot of health issues. It’s good to know what those potential health problems are in advance, so you can keep your pup healthy for longer.

  • Elbow and Hip Dysplasia: Dysplasia is when the joint does not form properly and therefore tends to be loose in the socket. Keeping your dog at a healthy weight can help manage both of these conditions, and so can joint supplements recommended by your vet. In more severe cases, your vet may also recommend physical therapy or even surgery. Bloat

Tibetan Mastiff History

  • Not a lot is known about the Tibetan Mastiff’s origins beyond the fact that the breed is ancient and comes from the mountains of Central Asia. A mastiff-type dog who originated in Tibet 5,000 years ago is believed to be the progenitor of both the modern Tibetan Mastiff and all European mastiff breeds. One theory for how that happened is that early European travelers to Tibet were gifted these dogs and brought them back to Europe.

  • As for the Tibetan Mastiff, two types emerged in Tibet from that original mastiff breed: the Do-Khyi, working dogs who guarded livestock in villages and farms; and the larger Tsang-Khyi, who guarded Tibetan monasteries.

  • What is known for certain about this breed picks up around the year 1800, when an English ship captain’s travel memoirs mentioned the “huge dogs” guarding the monasteries of Tibet. The first such dog was brought to England in 1847 and presented to Queen Victoria as a gift. Just a few decades later, in 1873, the breed officially entered England’s brand-new Kennel Club as the Tibetan Mastiff. The following year, the Prince of Wales brought two more of them to England, where they were eventually shown in the Alexandra Palace show.

  • But it wasn’t until 1950 that the breed made their way to the US, when two Tibetan Mastiffs were given to President Truman. Even so, it wasn’t until the end of the 1970s that the breed made its first appearance in American dog shows. And only recently, in 2007, did the American Kennel Club officially recognize this breed as a member of the Working group. Nowadays, it’s easier to find a purebred Tibetan here in the States than it is in Tibet.

  • So, where can you find a purebred Tibetan Mastiff puppy? A list of reputable breeders is available on the American Kennel Club website, where the Tibetan Mastiff price ranges from $2,500 to $3,500. That usually includes health screenings and vaccinations, and in some cases it also includes a championship pedigree. Tibetan Mastiff rescue organizations can also help you find Tibetans in need of good homes; alternatively, you can keep an eye out for one at your local animal shelter


Do Tibetan Mastiffs shed?

Yes, Tibetan Mastiffs shed. They are moderate shedders throughout most of the year, but once a year, when the temperature warms up, their undercoat has a blowout that will give your vacuum cleaner a workout. This tends to be worse in warmer climates and may not happen in areas that stay cold year-round.

Are Tibetan Mastiffs good family dogs?

Tibetan Mastiffs can be good family dogs—for the right family. With enough socialization, these dogs can fit in well and be quite devoted to an introverted family with older children or teens who don’t do a lot of entertaining. But due to their large size and temperament, they’re not the best dog for families with young children or small pets or those who like to have people over.

What are the most popular Tibetan Mastiff names?

The most popular Tibetan Mastiff names are Andromeda, Amazon, Athena, Augustus, Axel, Bane, Beast, Boss, Buck, Bullet, Butch, Buzz, Caesar, Calisto, Captain, Champ, Chief, Diesel, Duchess, Duke, Electra, Goliath, Harley, Huntress, Hulk, Jojo, Justice, Katniss, Kodiak, Leia, Magnum, Maverick, Mystique, Nyx, Onyx, Rebel, Remington, Rex, Ripley, Roxy, Sable, Samson, Sassy, Spike, T-Bone, Ursula, Xena, Yukon and Zeus. Get more dog names here.

What are the most common Tibetan Mastiff mixes?

The most common Tibetan Mastiff mixes are:

**Content sourced from www.chewy.com

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