Standard Poodles have long, floppy ears that hang close to their head. Their ears grow long, feathery hair.
A Poodle’s eyes are oval and set far apart so they appear alert and perceptive. Most Standard Poodles have very dark—almost black—eyes. Those with brown and cafe au lait coats may have amber eyes instead.
At the end of their long, thin snout, Standard Poodles have a dark, pointy nose. Their nose may be slightly lighter in dogs with brown or cafe au lait coats.
Coat Length:
The Standard Poodle’s coat is long and curly.
Coat Color:
There’s a wide range of Standard Poodle colors. The American Kennel Club recognizes 11 as breed standard: black, white, blue, brown, gray, apricot, cream, red, silver, silver-beige, and cafe au lait.
A Standard Poodle’s tail is held high, straight, and alert. They’re often docked to meet breed standards, though this is a controversial cosmetic procedure that many vet organizations, including the American Veterinary Medical Association, oppose.