These little pups are pretty high maintenance when it comes to grooming. Here are some tips to keep in mind for your Pekingese:
Brushing: You should dedicate at least one hour a week to brushing your dog’s coat to keep it free from tangles and remove dead hair. You might decide to split this into smaller daily sessions. A slicker brush plus a deshedding tool will be your friend when it comes to grooming your Peke.
Haircuts: If you’re not interested in dog shows, many pet parents opt to have their dog’s coat trimmed (not short) to keep it more manageable. Bear in mind that giving a Peke a short haircut isn’t recommended, as their double coat acts as insulation in both hot and cold weather. But a regular sesh with a professional groomer—a brush, bath and trim—about every four to six weeks can help keep your Peke’s coat looking neat.
Bathing: For most of the year, a bath once every month or two will help keep your dog’s coat looking its best. During heavier shedding seasons (fall and spring), you may choose to bathe your Pekingese once a week or bi-weekly; it helps get rid of the dead hair.
Nail trimming: As well as looking after your Peke’s coat, you’ll need to check their nails once a week. Trim or clean these as necessary. You’ll know it’s time to trim their nails when you hear them tapping on hard surfaces. (Get the how-to-here.)
Ear cleaning: Check your Pekingese’s ears once a week for debris and any redness or swelling. If you notice anything, speak to your vet. If your vet recommends at-home cleaning, follow this step-by-step guide on how to clean dog ears.
Dental care: Pekingese dogs need their teeth brushed daily; this helps prevent them from getting gum disease or plaque. Starting this routine while your dog is still a puppy is a great idea, as it’s much easier for them to accept it as part of their routine. Your dog will still need an annual dental cleaning by your vet. Pekingese often have an underbite, which you should ask your vet to monitor in case it causes any issues.
The sooner you can start training your Pekingese puppy, the better. This breed needs consistent training and guidance. Being born for palace life gets one used to, um, having one’s own way and they may try to boss you around! Starting training while they’re a puppy helps them understand you’re the boss (applesauce) and will trust you as their leader.
As you train your pup, be sure to use positive reinforcement, a type of reward-based training that uses treats, praise and playtime with special toys, when your pup does a good job.
Pekes also need plenty of socialization so they learn how to interact with strangers and other dogs. A great place to start is with puppy preschool. Here, puppies learn to play nicely with each other, and they get to meet new people.
One potential area of difficulty is potty training. Sometimes small dogs are just harder to potty train. Diminutive pups have small bladders and need to go out more frequently, and their cues aren’t as obvious as, say, a Labrador’s. As with all training, consistency is the key. Be sure to take your pup out about 20 minutes after every meal and reward them when they potty outside. (You’ll want to use the same cue words, like “let’s go potty,” so they start to learn what it means.)
Crate training is a great way to help potty train your puppy. Dogs like to keep their “dens” clean, and a crate that’s just the right size mimics that den-like feel. Find a crate that falls within the “Goldilocks” zone: not too small and not too large. You want a crate with enough room they can turn around in, not one so large your puppy chooses to use one end as a bathroom.
Working with a certified dog trainer can help you find the techniques you need to get the best results with this independent and strong-willed breed. These little pups might be more of a challenge to train than other breeds, but that doesn’t mean they’re not smart. Training a Pekingese is not the same as working with an enthusiastic and eager-to-please Golden Retriever, so while Pekingese may be suited for an experienced person, they’ll do well with a first-time pup parent who’s confident in their training abilities and understands the need for consistency.
Pekingese dogs usually do well on a high-quality, complete and balanced commercial dog food. Make sure you choose a formula for your dog’s specific life stage (puppy, adult, senior), and look for a statement on the bag that says it meets the nutritional standards established by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).
The small size of this breed means it can be very easy for them to put on weight. Avoid feeding fatty table scraps and make sure all those dog treats you dole out during training are accounted for when you’re working out how much to feed your pup every day. If your pup is packing on the pounds, your vet may recommend you feed a weight-control dog food with reduced calories but still containing all the nutrition your dog needs.
If you’re not sure where to start, it’s always best to ask your vet for advice. They can help you choose the best food for your dog based on their unique requirements.
With their lower energy level and exercise needs, Pekingese lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle. They’re much happier sitting—preferably on their velvet cushion—and watching the world go by (with the odd bark when necessary) than running around with the other dogs. But they still need exercise and will benefit from a short walk around 20 to 30 minutes every day.
Some Pekes may enjoy joining in dog sports like agility but don’t expect them to win any prizes for speed, in part due to their characteristic “rolling” gait. This breed takes life at their own pace and won’t be rushed. On hot or humid days, it’s best to keep your dog inside an air-conditioned home or take your walks in the cooler parts of the day; they don’t cope well with hot weather due to their short muzzles. If you’re looking for an active breed to accompany you on hikes, runs or long walks, the Pekingese is likely not the dog for you. (Check out the Husky or Dalmatian.)
The Pekingese is a great choice for apartment or urban living, thanks to their small size and low exercise needs. They’re incredibly devoted to their pet parents but aren’t fond of strangers or an excessively busy home. They can be vocal watchdogs, too, so expect running commentary from your little friend.
Pekingese can be a little challenging to train, so they’re more suited for experienced pet parents with the skills to get the best from a breed who likes to get their own way whenever possible. Pekingese prefer a quiet life without children or other pets where they can be their rightful place as the center of attention. They can adapt to living in homes with more activity, but socialization—early and often—is important.
This breed is a brachycephalic dog; their short muzzles mean they can struggle in hot weather. AC is a must if you live somewhere warmer, and some Peke families travel with cooling blankets or ice packs to help their pups stay comfortable. They’re also poor swimmers and should always be supervised near water.