
lagotto romagnolo


The Lagotto Romagnolo is a feisty pup with a ton of stamina. Because they love to run and play, this renowned truffle-hunter thrives with pet parents who can provide plenty of exercise, lots of grooming and early socialization. Get ready to love this curly-haired cutie with a zest for life!


Feisty, Amiable, Energetic


Male: 29-35 pounds

Female: 24-31 pounds


Male: 17-19 inches

Female: 16-18 inches

Life Expectancy

15 to 17 years

Maintenance Level

Low maintenanceHigh maintenance


More reservedSocial butterfly

Coat Color

Brown, Brown Roan, Orange, Orange Roan, White, Sable, Off-White

Looking for a furry friend to add to your big Italian family? Meet the Lagotto Romagnolo, a feisty, playful breed who originated in Italy. These curly-haired cuties may look like teddy bears, but their active, lively personalities will keep you on the move. Lagotti (yes, that’s the plural) are Italian water dogs, so they’ll love to join you on adventures to the beach, lake or river—but the puddles in your backyard will do in a pinch. This joyous breed has a nose for fun and will happily bring you along for the ride.

Lagotto Romagnolo Characteristics

Remember: Dogs are individuals and not all dogs, even those of the same breed, will exhibit all the same qualities.

Social Life

Exercise Needs

Couch PotatoStar Athlete

Health Issues

Few Known Health IssuesMany Known Health Issues

Grooming Needs

Minimal GroomingExtensive Grooming

Training Needs

Requires Minimal TrainingRequires a Lot of Training

Shedding Level

Sheds a LittleSheds a Lot

Lagotto Romagnolo Appearance

With their signature wooly coat, bushy beard and pronounced eyebrows, the Lagotto Romagnolo breed is a distinctive-looking medium dog with a powerful build. Their pert, carrot-shaped tails will wag with vigor when time to play. When it comes to coloring, you’ll see everything from white and brown to orange or sable. It’s common for the coat color to fade as these dogs age, but a brown Lagotto Romagnolo puppy may retain that rich, dark color even after they’re full-grown.



The Lagotto dog breed has triangular ears with a rounded tip that fold over to settle around the face.


Lagotti have large, round eyes that are known for looking quite human. Their eye color can vary from dark brown to hazel.


Their noses—famous for sniffing out truffles—can be flesh-colored, dark brown or anything in between.

Coat Length:

You'll know a Lagotto Romagnolo by their curly, waterproof double coat, which is no longer than one-and-a-half inches long.

Coat Color:

Lagotti can be dark brown or brown roan (an even mix of white and other colors that don't fade as the dog ages) with tan markings, various shades of white with brown or orange markings, sable, or solid orange or orange roan.


The Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed's tail is mid-length and is often described as being shaped like a carrot.

Lagotto Romagnolo Temperament

What can you expect when you share your life with a Lagotto Romagnolo? This renowned truffle-hunter is bright and spirited with a high energy level and zest for life. They get along well with other dogs and kids as long as they have been socialized from a young age.Lagotti aren’t typically excessive barkers, but they will let you know when the mail arrives or when someone’s at the door, so prepare your guests for a noisy welcome. On the other paw, they can be a little aloof with strangers or get anxious in unfamiliar situations, so start their socialization early by introducing them to new people and places like the park and family gatherings. And teach kids how to interact with dogs. Doing so will help prepare Lagotti for the new situations and unfamiliar faces they will meet on their many adventures with you.This sensitive dog breed will be very in-tune with their beloved pet parents’ feelings. If you are having an off day, they may well have one too, so take time for a cuddle to cheer you both up. The Lagotto Romagnolo is definitely a pet parent pleaser, so lavish them with love and cuddles and praise them eagerly when they do well in training sessions or dog sports. And you’ll always have company, because this breed is a “velcro dog” type who’ll be stuck to your side day and night.Bred to be truffle hunters, the Lagotti breed rarely runs out of steam. Think of them as the dog version of the Energizer Bunny.

How to Care for a Lagotto Romagnolo


The Lagotto breed is a natural beauty, but don’t expect good hair days without a proper grooming routine. Here are some grooming tips for your Lagotto: Hair trimming: These dogs need their thick and curly coats to be trimmed every 10 to 12 weeks. Brushing: Surprisingly, their curly hair doesn’t need regular brushing. In fact, doing so will give them a fluffy appearance that isn’t ideal for these working dogs (aka dogs bred for a job), which are intended to have a coarser, more rugged-looking coat. But you still need to get mats out of their hair in between hair cuts so, when it comes time to groom, you can either use your fingers, a pin brush or grooming comb to gently remove tangles without pulling too much on the coat. A dog detangling spray can be useful to make this process easier. Ear cleaning: Their ears may need to be groomed on a regular basis (every week), because Lagotti have hair inside that will need to be managed. Clean any build up of dust or debris, which can cause them discomfort and lead to infections. Your vet can show you the best way to manage the ear hair and ear cleaning safely. Bathing: Bathe your Lagotto Romagnolo about every four weeks to keep their coats clean without drying out their skin. You can always use a deodorizing spritz to freshen them up in between. Dental care: To care for your dog’s teeth, brush them daily, and consult your vet about annual professional cleanings. Close


A Lagotto Romagnolo puppy is relatively easy to train. With their high intelligence, these dogs have a lot of focus and patience, and as people-loving pups, they live to please. This isn’t a breed who tends to wander off like Cairn Terriers, but it’s still important to teach them to come, as well as the basic commands, like sit and stay, so they return to you when you need them to. You don’t have to keep your training sessions short, since these dogs don’t tire easily. But you do want to stop and take a break, and maybe a walk, before either of you get too frustrated. Lagotti typically do well on a leash and aren’t likely to bark without good reason. One behavioral trait to watch out for with your Lagotto Romagnolo is digging. Since these dogs were born to dig up truffles, digging is innate, and discouraging this behavior can be a challenge. The solution? Redirect their attention to a beloved toy—or better yet, give them their own sandbox! They’ll happily spend hours digging for hidden toys in the sand. However you vary your training, remember that the Lagotto dog breed responds best to positive reinforcement, so line up the words of praise and training treats (within reason) to guarantee a successful, fun and bonding experience for both of you. Close


A complete and balanced diet is essential for your Lagotto Romagnolo. Look for a high-quality commercial dog food formulated for breeds that respond well to whole grains, like brown rice and oats. An option with single meat proteins and limited ingredients can be a good choice—but always check with your vet to make sure you’re picking the best product for your dog’s unique needs. Limit “people food,” like meat, veggies and cheese to less than 10 percent of your pup’s daily food intake. The majority of your Lagotto Romagnolo’s nutrition should come from commercial dog food formulated to provide all the vitamins and nutrients they need. Some adult dogs are happy with one meal a day, while others prefer two light meals, so base your feeding schedule on a combination of your Lagotto Romagnolo’s personal preference and your vet’s expert advice. Close


Take a second to imagine how much work must go into searching acres of forest for tiny fungi hidden underground. The Lagotto Romagnolo can work at hunting truffles all day long with just a few breaks—which should give you a pretty good idea of their level of stamina. These dogs crave activity and need vigorous exercise for up to 60 minutes each day to be happy. And they will relish hiking and dog sports, like agility, dock diving and obedience, as well as a good, long run. The Lagotti are also water lovers, so if you can, take your furry bestie on trip to a body of water where they can have a good splash. Something else they need? Mental stimulation. A dog who’s bred to use their sense of smell to track precious truffles won’t be satisfied vegging on the couch every day. Play games with your Lagotto Romagnolo that engage their brains and entertain them, like “find the treat” or hide and seek, and teach them fun tricks, like play dead or shake. Activities like these will keep your dog occupied and out of trouble (and hopefully stop them from going on a truffle hunt in your flowerbeds). When you’re occupied, puzzle toys and games will also exercise their minds. Close


One of the most important things to know about the Lagotto breed is that they usually prefer people over other dogs. While that doesn’t mean they’d be miserable in a home with other pets, these dogs often prefer to be the focus of their parent’s attention. For this reason, they tend to do well in homes with kids as long as they were introduced at a young age. The more people around to shower these dogs with affection, the better. By the same token, this breed isn’t ideal for a home that sits empty all day. Loving, loyal Lagotti yearn for human companionship. While it’s best if they have space to speed around, including a fenced yard in which to sniff around, they can make do with an apartment if they get lots of walks and playtime outdoors. Just be mindful that they are diggers and will be prone to tearing up your garden on the hunt for elusive truffles if you don’t keep a close eye on them. Because they love water so much—remember, these are Italian water dogs—a house with a pond or a pool, or near a large body of water, would be a Lagotto Romagnolo’s dream come true. If this doesn’t describe your home, you can always bring them in the shower with you or start planning more beach vacations! Close

Lagotto Romagnolo Health

The Lagotto Romagnolo can live a long and healthy 15-17 years with the right care, including diet and exercise. Nevertheless, purebred dogs often have a few health issues, and the Lagotto dog is no exception.

  • Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is caused when the hip joint isn’t formed properly and it rubs, causing the dog pain and reduced mobility. This condition is more common in larger dogs, but it can affect the Lagotto breed as well. Because hip dysplasia is hereditary, ask your breeder if they conduct PennHIP or OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) diagnostic screenings on their breeding dogs. Treatment includes physical therapy, weight control or surgery.
  • Juvenile Epilepsy: This recessive and inherited disease can lead to seizures and a short loss of consciousness. Canine juvenile epilepsy typically appears when a Lagotto Romagnolo is very young—usually 5-9 weeks of age—but it often resolves itself when they reach 8-13 weeks. Genetic screening testing is available, so be sure to ask your breeder.
  • Lagotto Storage Disease (LSD):  LSD is a severe neurodegenerative disease. Symptoms include restlessness, failure to thrive and behavioral changes, such as depression or aggression. This condition typically appears from the ages of 4 months to 4 years. Sadly, there is no treatment available for the disease, but genetic screening testing is available, so be sure to ask your breeder.
  • Bladder or Kidney Stones: Lagotti are prone to a condition called hyperuricosuria, which is characterized by elevated uric acid in the urine.  This can lead to bladder and kidney stones that may require prescription diet and surgery to treat. 
  • Cerebellar Abiotrophy:  This is an inherited, degenerative condition that causes dogs to have trouble with their balance and walking. Genetic screening testing may be available, and affected dogs should not be bred.

Lagotto Romagnolo History

  • Michelangelo’s David and the Mona Lisa weren’t the only good things to come out of Renaissance Italy. The Lagotto Romagnolo may not be quite as famous, but they were definitely highly valued in their time—and still are today.

  • This dog’s origin can be traced to the marshy lagoons around Northern Italy’s Ravenna in the region of Emilia-Romagna, where they recovered waterfowl for hunters. This water retriever is believed to date back to around 1474 A.D. When the area was developed and their bird-hunting days came to an end, the Lagotto Romagnolo’s phenomenal nose was put to use hunting truffles, a rare delicacy even then.

  • While the Lagotto Romagnolo isn’t the only dog who can hunt truffles, they were first bred for this purpose and are still considered to be the best for the job. In fact, they’re the only purebred dog with this distinction. The Lagotto Romagnolo breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2015.

  • Lagotto Romagnolo dogs generally cost $1,800-$2,500, and you’ll find reputable breeders offering puppies across the United States. For that price, you’ll typically get a dog who has been screened for potential health and behavioral issues and may even come with papers. You might be waiting for some time for a pup, though, as they are rare. Alternately, you could consider adoption through the Lagotto Romangnolo Club of America‘s rescue.


How do you pronounce Lagotto Romagnolo?

Lagotto Romagnolo, which is Italian, is pronounced Lah-GOH-toe Ro-man-YO-lo. “Lago” is Italian for lake.

Are Lagotto Romagnolos hypoallergenic?

Yes, Lagotto Romagnolos are considered hypoallergenic. They are a non-shedding, low-dander breed, making them a great choice for people with allergies.

How big do Lagotto Romagnolos get?

As a medium dog, Lagotto Romagnolos don’t get very big. They are no taller than 19 inches at the shoulder and weigh no more than 35 pounds.

Do Lagotto Romagnolos bark a lot?

No, Lagotto Romagnolos don’t bark a lot. While they may bark at visitors or other dogs, training this intelligent breed to keep their voices down is relatively easy.

Are Lagotto Romagnolos good family dogs?

Yes, Lagotto Romagnolos are good family dogs. They’re an even-tempered, affectionate, people-loving breed who does well with families and children.

What are the most popular names for Lagotto Romagnolos?

The most popular Lagotto Romagnolo names are Bear, Bella, Buster, Emma, Maggie, Milo, Oscar, Ruby, Teddy and Zeus. Get more dog names.

**Content sourced from www.chewy.com

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