Ready to don a cape at a moment’s notice, the Kuvasz is an unassuming canine superhero. Though a large breed, they don’t look intimidating—not with those big grins and fluffy white coats. But underneath that sweet demeanor beats a brave, loyal heart. Sturdy, sleek and muscular, Kuvaszok (that’s the plural term for this breed) are fearless dogs who move with ease and are ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. So, they may not cozy up to strangers, but they’ll happily cozy up to you any day of the week. Just flash the bat, er, dog signal, and they’ll come running.
Kuvasz Appearance
It’s not just the Kuvasz’ large size that gives them a majestic appearance. This well-muscled dog carries themselves like a boss with a proud posture and an eager gait that’s almost a gallop. Their thick, white double coats look like the robes of medieval royalty—they’d fit right in “Game of Thrones.” They’re curious and intelligent and often give the impression they’re thinking or solving problems as they assess their surroundings with their observant dark brown eyes.

Kuvasz ears are V-shaped and a little rounded at the tip.
Their eyes are dark-brown, almond-shaped and angled.
Their noses are large with wide-open black nostrils.
Coat Length:
The Kuvasz has a double coat that is moderately coarse and can be either wavy or straight.
Coat Color:
Their coat color is white.
Kuvasz has a long tail set low and is thickly plumed.
Kuvasz Temperament
Though they look like big, fluffy teddy bears, the Kuvasz has a robust personality and guarding instinct that makes them a force to be reckoned with. As working dogs, they were bred to guard livestock; today, they may be suspicious of strangers. When confronted with strangers on their property, or if they just have a sense that something’s not quite right, they can be very vocal barkers and, without proper training and socialization, may be reactive in these situations. However, with proper socialization and training, they can learn the difference between friend and foe.Kuvaszok are extremely smart. How smart? They’ve been known to figure out how to open doors and gates to free not only themselves, but other animals, too. (The ones they like, that is!) They do well with animals they know and like if they’re properly socialized starting in puppyhood.Kuvaszok do well with kids they know (and who know how to play nicely with dogs), but you always should supervise playtimes. They are large dogs who may accidentally knock children over.