Their rounded ears hang down and may pull slightly forward when they're animated or feeling playful.
Their dark, almond-shaped eyes carry a playful, inquisitive expression.
The wiener dog's noses are typically black or dark brown but may occasionally match the color of their fur.
Coat Length:
Dachshunds, affectionately known as "sausage dogs," have three coat varieties: A short, smooth coat is the more commonly known characteristic, but they can also have a short and rougher, wire-haired coat or a long-haired, wavy coat.
Coat Color:
Dachshunds come in two dozen standard colors, highlighted with tan or cream markings, including black, chocolate, blue and fawn. Their coats are typically marked with one of four patterns: brindle (subtle tiger stripes), dapple (mottled patches of color), piebald (a white spotting pattern) or sable (hair is lighter at the base and darkens toward the tip). They can also be solid red, wheaten (a golden color), or wild boar (a tan base with black over it.). It's rare, but you can find black, chocolate or fawn-colored Dachshunds, although they are not considered to be breed standard.
A Dachshund's tail shape depends on their coat type. A smooth coat typically has a tapered, sleek tail, a wire-haired coat's tail is thick and tapers to a point and a long-haired Dachshund dog's tail is longer and carried gracefully, almost like a flag.