Brussels Griffons' ears are small and set high on the head. They can be kept natural, which are semi-erect and folded over, or cropped. Cropping involves surgically cutting away part of a dog’s ears. Veterinary groups along with many U.S. states and countries have banned this procedure due to medical and behavioral reasons. If you are interested in this procedure, schedule a consultation with your veterinarian.
Their eyes are one of their defining characteristics: wide-set, big, round and dark.
Brussels Griffon dogs are brachycephalic, meaning their black noses are flat, giving them an endearing "smushed face" quality.
Coat Length:
Brussels Griffons come in two types of coats: rough or smooth. The rough coat is wiry, while the smooth coat is straight, short and shiny.
Coat Color:
They typically come in one of four colors: red, belge (a combination of black and reddish-brown mixed together), black and tan, or solid black.
The Brussels Griffon tail is typically docked to about one-third of its natural length and sits high. Docking involves cutting a portion of the dog’s tail off when they are puppies. Veterinary groups along with many U.S. states and countries have banned this procedure due to medical and behavioral reasons. If you are interested in this procedure, schedule a consultation with your veterinarian.