Love the glamorous look of that incredible Borzoi coat? It’s beautiful, but it sheds a great deal. But you can handle it; you just need a combination of the right tools, techniques and time.
Brush your pup once or twice a week with a pin brush and comb. Brush the dog with the pin brush, then follow up with the comb to ensure your pup is tangle-free. During their shedding season, which typically takes place once per year, plan to brush them daily. (They shed a lot.) Be sure to pay special attention to their ears as they tend to mat.
Bonus: Borzoi don’t need haircuts (score!), and their silky coats actually resist dirt naturally, which means less bathing. When you do give them a bath, the bathing and blow-drying (with a dog-approved blow dryer) also helps rid them of loose hair. But that doesn’t mean you should give your pup a bath every week; too much of a good thing is still too much and will strip the coat of the natural oils it needs to stay healthy. Plan on giving your pup a bath once a month. After their bath is a great time to trim their nails (the nails will be softer and easier to cut). You’ll know it’s time for a trim when you hear the familiar “click, click, click,” on your hardwoods.
Brush your pup’s teeth every day (you can start out with a few times a week and work your way up). This helps prevent dental disease and other health issues down the line. They’ll also need an annual professional dental cleaning by your vet.
Training a Borzoi puppy presents some unique challenges. Unlike other dogs, like retrievers who were bred to work directly with humans, sighthounds were bred to hunt independently. That means they don’t wait for cues from their human hunting buddies. They just see then chase down their quarry.
So, your approach to training needs to adjust. Aim for short, two- to three-minute training sessions (seriously, keep ’em short). Avoid drills and too many repetitions. Instead, focus on one command briefly, and be sure to reward your pup for doing a good job rather than focusing on what they didn’t get right. Reward them with treats, praise or a play break with a toy so they know they’re on the right track.
Because Borzoi can be shy or aloof around strangers or other pets, it’s important to start socializing your dog while they’re a puppy. Start by taking them on walks so they can see people, then briefly introduce them to new people. It’s important you don’t overwhelm your pup with too many new things at once. You want them to have positive experiences (and remember to reward them with treats and praise for good interactions).
Most Borzoi will do well on a high-quality commercial dog food. Whatever type you choose, be sure to factor in your dog’s age and choose a formula that fits their stage in life (puppy, adult, senior). Also, avoid heavily exercising your dog near mealtimes to reduce the risk of bloat. (More on that in the Health section.) Your vet can help you choose a schedule and portion plan that best suits your pup’s needs.
You’ll be giving your pup treats for training, so be sure to include those in your overall meal plan. Borzoi are lean and don’t have a lot of wiggle room for weight gain; an extra pound or two can really make a difference in their health. Be sure to check with your vet; they are in the best position to help you pick the right food and meal plan for your dog based on their individual needs.
Plan on spending about an hour every day dedicated to your Borzoi’s exercise needs. Mix it up with plenty of walks, running (with and without you) and playtime. If you’ve got a competitive streak, you and your hound may enjoy dog sports like lure coursing (where the dog races around a track following a mechanical lure) or agility.
Borzoi need to run, and you won’t be able to keep up—they can reach speeds between 35 and 40 MPH. These Russian sighthounds were bred for hunting wolves, foxes and hare, and they had to be fast to catch their quarry. So, give them lots of off-leash running to help their bodies develop properly as they’re growing and burn through all their energy reserves (those wells run deep!). This can only happen in contained areas like a fenced yard, where you can just sit with a beverage and watch them tear around. Dog parks may not be ideal, as they may chase smaller dogs at the park.
If you think you’ve trained your Borzoi to come when called, think again. They’re born to be independent thinkers, so if they see something that needs to be chased, they’ll chase it until they catch it, and they won’t be looking both ways when crossing streets or paying attention to their surroundings. Always, always, always keep your pup on a leash when you’re out and about.
Borzoi do well in homes where it’s just you and them. Because little kids can be boisterous, they may do better in homes with older kids who understand how to play gently with their pup. Because they’re so large, they may knock over small children during vigorous play, so always keep an eye on everyone when your pup and small kids are in the same room.
Sighthounds tend to be very loyal to their families and a little standoffish with strangers. Early socialization can help your Borzoi get used to a variety of situations, but it’s likely they’ll never be an extrovert and will prefer the company of their family.
Borzoi really need access to a fenced-in area so they can run themselves into a nap. These dogs were born to run and need to run daily. Even though they’ll love walking or jogging with you, they also need to run at their own fast speed, and this can only be accomplished in a properly fenced area.