Let’s get one thing out of the way: A Bloodhound smells like a dog. That’s because their skin and coat have a greasy layer that helps repel dirt when they’re trekking through the woods on a scent trail. While this scent is healthy and normal, it can be distinctive.
For that reason, you may find yourself giving your pup a bath more frequently. But really, they only need a bath whenever they’re really dirty—about once every couple of months. They may need a bath more often in the summer or if they get dirty from playing outside. Use a dog shampoo, towel them off, and let them air dry as long as they don’t seem cold. (Some Bloodhounds may have sensitive or dry skin, which may need special shampoo.) For more advice, read our guide on how to give a dog a bath.
Even though they’re short-haired, Bloodhounds still shed, so it’s a good idea to use a grooming glove every day to keep their coats in tip-top shape. Use a cotton swab to get rid of the gunk that accumulates in the folds around their eyes, and do a quick, daily wrinkle check in their face and neck folds to look for any skin irritation or odor, which could be a sign of an infection and may need a vet’s attention.
Check your pup’s extremely long ears every day, wiping away debris with an ear wipe, like the Pet MD Aloe Vera & Eucalyptus Dog Ear Wipes. If you notice redness, swelling or debris, speak with your vet; they may advise you to clean your dog’s ears. Brown discharge is normal, but yellow, green or a foul-smelling discharge may be a sign of an infection.
It’s a good idea to have plenty of towels on hand, too. Bloodhounds drool a lot, so get in the habit of regularly wiping their noses and chins to keep them (and your couch) dry.
Brush your Bloodhound’s teeth several times a week and get them professionally cleaned by your vet once a year. Start when they’re a puppy to help them get used to it faster.
Your dog will need their nails clipped once a month or so, either with nail clippers or a grinder. This chore, too, should start when they’re puppies to help them get used to it. Otherwise, you’ll need to enlist the help of a “grooming buddy” (or grow a third arm—whichever’s easier). You’ll know it’s time for a trim when you hear that familiar clicking on hard surfaces.
Bloodhounds can be very strong-willed; training these pups isn’t for the faint of heart! When you start training your dog, get a good, sturdy harness since they’re likely to pull during training. A harness is more secure, and there’s less of a risk for injury than just attaching the leash to a collar. (The collar can pull against the neck, causing injury to the trachea.)
Bloodhound puppies (under six months or so) can learn the “rules of school” in puppy kindergarten, which can teach them socialization as well as learning basic commands, or you can put your 6-month-and-up pup straight into basic obedience training.
Your mantra: Slow and steady wins the race. Your Bloodhound wants to please you, but how can they pay attention when there’s so many interesting smells in the air? Your secret weapon: short training sessions (about 10 to 15 minutes). And make sure everyone in your family is on board with the rules and agrees on the cue you’ll use for different commands. (For example, “come,” not “here” and “sit,” not “place,” etc.). Start introducing these commands one at a time and in order of importance. Save more fun commands like shake and play dead when your dog has mastered the basics like come, sit, stay and heel.
Training may be slow-going (after all, these are independent and free-thinking pups!), but stick with it. Training is essential to having a well-behaved furry family member and can divert potentially destructive urges into something constructive. Keep them learning throughout their life with the Canine Good Citizen program, competition courses (like agility) and rally training. These are fun for both you and your dog.
Bloodhounds really love food, but because they are prone to tummy issues, it’s important you pay attention to what your pup eats. Bloodhounds do best on a quality and well-balanced diet, including high-quality commercial dog food that follows the standards set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). Choose a formula that fits their stage in life (puppy, adult, senior) and activity level. It’s also important to remember that a Bloodhound can easily find food in your house (hello, super nose!), so make sure all of your food is stored safely out of their reach. Bloodhounds can figure out how to open cabinets and even fridges, so keep an eye on your pup. You need to find a way to secure delicious food before they help themselves to those steaks you were saving in the deep freeze.
Obesity can be a problem for Bloodhounds, so take any weight gain seriously and talk with your vet even if your pup is only a pound or two overweight. They can help you put together a diet and exercise plan to help your pup shed the excess pounds and still maintain their nutritional needs. Some Bloodhounds have food allergies that manifest as itchy or dry skin, so again, talk with your vet about your dog’s diet; they are in the best position to help you pick the right food for your Bloodhound based on their individual needs.
Now, let’s talk about treats. (Those calories count!) Your dog’s soulful eyes can be hard to resist, and consistent training means plenty of treats. Bloodhounds are very food motivated, so consider switching up your treats and include lower-calorie options that still excite your pup. Some human food—pieces of apple, celery, frozen blueberries or pieces of cooked egg—are all ways to say “good dog” while keeping your Bloodhound in hunting shape. (Even if the only “hunt” they’ve been on recently was finding a stinky shoe.)
While a Bloodhound’s energy level is high, it’s not always high—it ebbs and flows. When they’re on a scent trail, nothing can stop them, and they can run for miles. But Bloodhounds also enjoy their downtime. Their daily exercise needs depend on their personality: Some dogs are always on the go and need to be taught to take a break; others take their cue from you and may relax more.
In general, you need at least an hour of solid outdoor time every day (yup, even rainy ones) with your Bloodhound. Are you a jogger? Active Bloodhounds can keep up with you (and you may actually tire them out), but make sure your leash control is solid. (They will catch a scent!) Bloodhounds also love playing fetch and other outdoor games and make great dog park companions. A tired Bloodhound is a happy Bloodhound, so make sure your pup has plenty of opportunities to move throughout the day. These should include running or walking sessions with you and less-structured romps in the backyard or the dog park.
Bloodhounds get along in any type of family—whether single people or people with kids—as long as they’re active. And these pups love a crowd, so a family with a pack of dogs or cats is ideal.
Bloodhound dogs need a fenced-in space to roam. They love exploring the outdoors, but if they catch a scent, nothing else matters. They won’t let it go until they track down the source—sometimes running for miles. Off-leash play in an unfenced area is not an option for this uber-focused pup.
Bloodhounds can be friendly, but they’re not necessarily outgoing and are much more likely to ignore visitors than jump all over them. Bloodhounds bark and bay when they notice something, and while training can help them tame their commentary, these dogs will never be the strong and silent type, so they may be best suited for rural settings, where they can bark, drool and run without bothering anyone else.