If you’re not interested in long grooming sessions and dislike dog hair throughout the house, the Basenji is a great choice for you. These short-haired dogs are easy to care for, and shedding is minimal even during shedding seasons (spring and fall). They even groom themselves like cats. But that doesn’t mean they require zero assistance in this area.
Brushing: A once-a-week brushing with a rubber curry or a boar bristle brush will work well for this breed. If you notice your pup needs extra attention during shedding season, bump up the brushing sesh to a few times a week.
Bathing: Bathing your Basenji is not a chore you’ll need to do very often. Their short coats naturally stay cleaner than a long-coated breed, and they are quite particular about keeping themselves clean. Plan on bathing them about twice a year (unless your pet gets into something that requires a bath).
Dental Care: Dental care is very important for all dogs. The best way to maintain your Basenji’s oral health is by brushing their teeth daily. Introducing the toothbrush to your pet as a puppy should help make the task easier. And don’t forget an annual professional dental cleaning with your veterinarian.
Nail Trimming: Adult Basenjis should have their nails trimmed about once a month. But when your pet is a puppy, it might be wise to trim the very tips of their nails every week to provide plenty of opportunities for them to become used to the nail-trimming process.
Keep in mind that Basenjis originated as independent hunting dogs, capable of making decisions on their own. (This type of hunting dog is called a sighthound; they hunt by sight rather than by scent.) Your pet still possesses these independent instincts. To be successful, you’ll need to adjust your training techniques accordingly.
For starters, keep training positive and upbeat, being sure to use lots of praise, treats and special toys to reward your pup for doing a good job. You’ll also want to keep your training segments short—two to three minutes max, then take a break. Basenjis favor positive reinforcement techniques over drills and repetition.
Socialization is an important part of any dog’s training; it helps them be comfortable with new situations, people and other dogs. But Basenjis may require a little extra attention in this area. Without it, they may be more wary of strangers. Start socialization (meeting new human friends and other dogs) early, but keep interactions short (just like the training sessions) so as not to overwhelm your puppy. And don’t stop socializing just because your puppy is “all grown up” at 4 or 6 months of age. Socialization should continue throughout a dog’s life, and each new experience is part of their socialization training.
As with any dog breed, a Basenji should be fed a complete and balanced diet. There are plenty of high-quality commercial dog foods to choose from. Be sure to factor in your dog’s age and choose a formula that fits their stage in life (puppy, adult, senior).
Some pet parents prefer to make their pup’s food, but it must be done under the guidance of your vet to ensure your pup gets the proper nutrition they need.
When purchasing a Basenji puppy from a breeder, ask the breeder what food brands and feeding schedules have worked in their breeding program; you’ll likely pick up some valuable information that way. But always consult with your veterinarian, as they are in the best position to help you pick the right food for your dog based on their individual needs.
Be sure to protect your dog from obesity by paying attention to the amount of food you give them every day. And don’t forget to include the treats you give in your “mealtime math.” Even a couple of extra pounds can lead to health problems down the road. If you notice your dog gaining weight, talk with your vet. They can help you develop a diet and exercise plan to get your pup back to a healthy weight and still get the nutrition they need.
Basenjis have high energy levels, so it’s not surprising they have somewhat high exercise needs for their physical and mental health. Plan on spending about an hour a day exhausting their energy reserves. Since Basenjis love to run, be sure to give your pup time every day to run freely in a safely fenced yard. These dogs feel the need for speed, and running off-leash is really the only way they can experience this properly. But it’s absolutely critical they’re unable to escape from the yard. You can also throw in a few long walks (think a couple of miles) to give them a way to explore their world.
If you’re into competition, Basenjis excel at dog sports like agility and lure coursing where dogs chase a motorized lure around a track. They get to really stretch their legs, and it’s really fun to watch!
That’s not to say this breed won’t relax in the house too. As adults, many Basenjis are content to sleep cuddled up on a chair or couch. But don’t choose a Basenji if you’re primarily seeking a couch-potato dog. After all, the Basenji’s top speed is upwards of 25 mph!
Basenjis are a good choice for an active and experienced pup parent, and their independent personalities may prove challenging if this is your first pet. Basenjis are ideal for single people; they’re one of those dog breeds who may choose one person as “theirs.”
Basenjis are generally good with kids and other dogs, although early socialization and training will help them be more accepting of their human and canine siblings. As with any dog, always supervise your pup around children.
If you’re thinking of choosing a Basenji because they’re a “barkless dog,” and you’d like a silent canine, think again! Sure, one of the Basenji’s characteristics is that they don’t bark, but they do make a wide range of vocalizations including growls, howls and yodels. They can be quite lippy!
The size of your home really won’t matter to a Basenji—they’re adaptable to everything from small apartments to condos to homes of any size. They are primarily indoor dogs, after all. The key caveat is that they must have outdoor space to accommodate their high energy needs.