The American Staffy's small ears are set high on their broad head, and the AKC breed standard allows for the ears to be cropped or uncropped. If left uncropped, the ears shouldn't droop. Ear cropping involves surgically cutting away the outer part of a dog’s ear. Veterinary groups along with many US states and countries have banned this procedure due to medical and behavioral reasons. If you are interested in this procedure, schedule a consultation with your veterinarian.
Their eyes are round and dark.
The American Staffordshire Terrier's nose is black and set proudly over a strong jaw.
Coat Length:
The AmStaff's coat is short, glossy and feels stiff when touched.
Coat Color:
The AmStaff's coat comes in a range of 18 colors, including shades of black, blue, bronze, fawn, liver (chocolate), red, brown and white. Their coat can also have a range of markings, including black, blue or white masks, brindle (subtle tiger stripes) or tan points, patched or spotted markings.
The AmStaff breed's tail tapers to a point and is set low on the body. They shouldn't hold their tails high or have their tails curled.